Wage Compressions And How To Deal With Them In 2023

May 23, 2023
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Wage compression refers to the phenomenon where the wage differences between employees within an organisation or labour market narrow, resulting in a smaller pay gap between high- and low-skilled workers. This can occur due to various factors, including market forces, regulations, and organisational policies.

Wage compression is important to understand for several reasons:

  1. Equity concerns: Wage compression can make an organization or labor market appear more equitable, as it reduces income inequality. However, if the compression is due to factors that are unrelated to employee performance or skill, it may lead to perceived unfairness and dissatisfaction among higher-skilled workers who feel undervalued.
  2. Incentives and motivation: Wage compression may dampen incentives for employees to invest in their skills or take on additional responsibilities, as the potential for increased pay is limited. This can negatively impact employee motivation, productivity, and overall organizational performance.
  3. Recruitment and retention: If wage compression is prevalent in a labor market, it may make it more difficult for organizations to attract and retain high-skilled talent. Employees who are underpaid relative to their skills and experience may seek opportunities elsewhere, leading to higher turnover and increased recruitment costs.
  4. Economic efficiency: From an economic perspective, wage compression may signal inefficiencies in the labor market. If wages do not accurately reflect the supply and demand for different skills, resources may be misallocated, reducing overall productivity and economic growth.
  5. Public policy implications: Wage compression can inform public policy debates surrounding issues like minimum wage policies, pay equity, and income inequality. Understanding the causes and consequences of wage compression can help policymakers design targeted interventions to address labor market imbalances and promote economic growth.

Current Economic Climate In 2023

Some reports predicted at the beginning of year that the U.S. economy might enter a mild recession starting in late 2023. Real consumer spending is expected to rise by 2% in 2023, assuming wage growth of 4-5% and inflation moderating to 3-4%. Government spending is predicted to be neutral in 2023, while business investment is expected to increase by 3%. Weaker activity in the housing sector is expected to persist in 2023 due to a higher interest rate environment, and net foreign trade is expected to be a 1% drag on 2023 GDP.

The Federal Reserve's tightening monetary policy is nearing the endgame, with the terminal funds rate expected to reach 5%. The Fed's balance sheet reduction or quantitative tightening will continue through 2023, effectively reducing liquidity in the economy.

Consumers are entering 2023 with solid financial footing but less cushion than in 2022. Excess savings accumulated during the pandemic are expected to be depleted by mid to end 2023. Credit card balances have increased, but delinquency rates remain low

The manufacturing sector faces headwinds, while services continue to benefit from normalization. The housing market activity is likely to remain low due to high mortgage rates. Inflation is expected to fall quickly from its peak but remain above the Fed's 2% target at the end of 2023.

Labor markets are expected to loosen amid a slower growth environment. A stronger dollar has mixed implications for the economic outlook, with benefits such as cheaper imports and lower prices for some commodities, but also disadvantages like reduced export demand and negative impacts on revenues and profits for U.S.-based companies.


Factors Contributing to Wage Compressions in 2023

Wage compression refers to the phenomenon where there is a narrowing of the wage distribution, with wages at the lower and higher ends becoming more similar. In short, the factors contributing to wage compressions in 2023 include:

Slower economic growth

Slower economic growth contributes to wage compression as companies face reduced profits and financial instability. To cut costs, they may freeze or limit salary increases, resulting in wage stagnation where salaries remain unchanged or grow at a slower pace. 

Tightening monetary policy

Tightening monetary policy refers to the actions taken by central banks to reduce the money supply and increase interest rates to control inflation and maintain economic stability. This is usually done by raising key policy rates, such as the federal funds rate or discount rate, which subsequently increases borrowing costs for individuals and businesses. 

Labor market adjustments

Labor market adjustments refer to the changes that occur within the labor market in response to various economic factors, such as shifts in supply and demand for workers, technological advancements, and changes in government policies. These adjustments can lead to changes in wages, employment levels, and workforce composition.

Inflation moderation

Inflation moderation refers to the process of stabilizing or reducing the rate of inflation in an economy. This is often achieved through a combination of monetary and fiscal policies, as well as structural reforms that help to control price increases and maintain the purchasing power of money.

Technological advancements and automation in the workplace

Some technological advancements and automation in the workplace that may be relevant to wage compressions include:

  1. Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning: These technologies are capable of automating various tasks, reducing the need for human labor, and potentially suppressing wage growth in certain occupations.
  2. Robotics and automation equipment: The use of robots and automated equipment in manufacturing, warehousing, and other industries can replace manual labor, leading to a reduction in demand for certain types of workers and potentially contributing to wage compression.
  3. Advanced software and data analytics: The increasing use of sophisticated software for tasks can reduce the reliance on human expertise and potentially limit wage growth for certain job roles.
  4. Remote work technologies: The widespread adoption of remote work technologies during the COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated that many tasks can be performed remotely, potentially increasing the global competition for certain jobs and contributing to wage compression.
  5. Gig economy platforms: Online platforms that connect workers with freelance or gig-based opportunities can increase the supply of labor for certain tasks, potentially driving down wages in some sectors.

These technological advancements and automation can contribute to wage compressions by reducing the demand for certain types of labor, increasing global competition for jobs, and changing the nature of work in various industries. As a result, businesses may have less incentive to increase wages, which can lead to wage compressions.

Increased competition for jobs due to globalization and remote work

Increased competition for jobs due to globalization has become a significant factor in the modern workforce. With the rise of technology and the ability to connect and collaborate with people from all around the world, the labor market has become more globalized. This has led to several consequences:

  1. Greater access to talent: Employers can now tap into a global pool of workers, allowing them to find the best candidates regardless of their location. This increased access to talent can help companies become more competitive and innovative.
  2. Heightened job competition: As more people are able to apply for jobs across the globe, the competition for positions has intensified. This can make it more challenging for job seekers to find employment, as they are now competing with a larger number of candidates.
  3. Wage pressure: The increased competition for jobs can lead to wage compression, as employers may be able to find workers who are willing to accept lower wages due to differences in the cost of living or other factors. This can drive down wages in certain industries or regions, making it more difficult for workers to maintain their standard of living.
  4. Shift in job opportunities: Globalization and remote work can lead to a shift in job opportunities, with some industries or roles becoming more prevalent in certain regions due to lower labor costs or other factors. This can create challenges for workers who need to adapt to new industries or develop new skills to remain competitive in the job market.
  5. Cultural and communication challenges: As workplaces become more diverse due to globalization and remote work, employees and employers may face cultural and communication challenges that can impact productivity and collaboration.

Overall, the increased competition for jobs due to globalization and remote work has created both opportunities and challenges for employers and employees alike. It is essential for both parties to adapt to these changes in order to remain competitive and thrive in the global labor market.

Changes In The Minimum Wage And Labor Laws

If an employer has workers in different states, they may have to follow different minimum wage laws. This can be challenging for the employer as there are numerous minimum wage rate changes that can occur frequently. Some states have a plan to increase the minimum wage each year until it reaches $15 per hour, while other states follow the federal minimum wage rate, which has not changed since 2009 and is currently $7.25 per hour.

However, after January 1, 2022, almost half of the US states increased their minimum wages for hourly workers to ensure that they receive better pay. Furthermore, more than 20 states are expected to provide further increases in minimum wage rates in 2023. Employers need to be aware of these changes and ensure that they comply with the relevant laws to avoid any legal issues.

Impact of Wage Compressions

Effects on individual workers and their standard of living

The impact of wage compression on individual workers and their standard of living can be significant, with several key effects.

Reduced Income Growth:

  1. Wage compression can lead to slower income growth for workers. As wages become more compressed, the difference between pay for entry-level and higher-level positions narrows, reducing incentives for career progression and limiting opportunities for wage growth. This can make it difficult for workers to improve their financial situations and achieve a higher standard of living.

Increased Income Inequality:

  1. Wage compression can exacerbate income inequality by disproportionately affecting lower-wage workers. As higher-wage workers' salaries stagnate, the gap between high and low earners may widen, leading to greater economic disparities and social unrest.

Limited Access to Essential Services:

  1. Reduced wage growth can make it challenging for workers to afford essential services, such as healthcare, education, and housing. As the cost of living continues to rise, workers may struggle to make ends meet, negatively impacting their overall well-being and quality of life.

Decreased Job Satisfaction and Morale:

  1. Wage compression can lead to decreased job satisfaction and lower morale among workers. When employees feel undervalued or perceive a lack of upward mobility, they may be less motivated to perform at their best, which can harm productivity and company culture.

Increased Job Turnover:

  1. As a result of wage compression, workers may be more likely to change jobs in search of better pay and career advancement opportunities. This increased job turnover can be costly for employers, who must invest in recruiting, training, and onboarding new employees.

Negative Impact on Retirement Savings:

  1. With limited wage growth, workers may struggle to save for retirement, potentially leading to financial insecurity in their later years. This can place a burden on social safety net programs and lead to reduced quality of life for retirees.

Wage compression can have a variety of negative effects on individual workers and their standard of living. From reduced income growth and increased income inequality to limited access to essential services and negative impacts on job satisfaction and retirement savings, the consequences of wage compression can be far-reaching and detrimental to both employees and society as a whole.

Implications For Income Inequality And Social Mobility

Wage compression refers to the reduction in the difference between the highest and lowest wages within an organization or a society. This can have significant implications for income inequality and social mobility.

On the one hand, wage compression can help reduce income inequality by narrowing the gap between the highest and lowest earners. This can make it easier for low-income workers to make ends meet and improve their standard of living. It can also promote a sense of fairness and solidarity within the organization or society, as workers feel that their contributions are valued equally.

On the other hand, wage compression can also have negative effects on social mobility. If wages are compressed too much, it can reduce incentives for workers to invest in their skills and education, as there may be little financial reward for doing so. This can lead to a situation where workers are stuck in low-paying jobs with limited opportunities for advancement.

Potential Consequences For Businesses And The Economy As A Whole

The impact of wage compression on businesses and the economy as a whole depends on the specific context and degree of compression. Here are some potential consequences:

  1. Cost savings: Wage compression can help businesses save costs by reducing the wage bill. This can lead to higher profits and improved competitiveness in the short run.
  2. Reduced turnover: Wage compression can help reduce turnover by making the pay scale more equitable. This can lead to improved morale and increased loyalty among workers, reducing recruitment and training costs for businesses.
  3. Reduced productivity: Wage compression can also reduce productivity if workers feel that their efforts are not being rewarded fairly. This can lead to lower motivation, job dissatisfaction, and higher absenteeism and turnover in the long run.
  4. Labor shortages: If wage compression is too severe, it can lead to labor shortages as skilled workers leave for higher-paying jobs in other industries or countries. This can limit the ability of businesses to compete and innovate.
  5. Economic growth: Wage compression can have a mixed impact on economic growth. While it can help reduce income inequality and promote social cohesion, it can also reduce incentives for workers to invest in their skills and education, limiting the supply of highly skilled workers.
  6. Social welfare: Wage compression can have positive social welfare outcomes if it helps reduce poverty and inequality. However, it may also lead to a situation where low-income workers are unable to make ends meet and rely on government assistance programs, leading to a higher tax burden on businesses and society as a whole.

Possible Solutions to Wage Compressions

Salary classification

Establishing distinct salary categories or ranges for each job level based on the requisite skills, experience, and responsibilities. This guarantees a noticeable differentiation in remuneration among various levels within the organization.

Compensation aligned with market rates:

Regularly conduct comprehensive research and analysis of the market to determine competitive salaries for each position. Adjust compensation levels accordingly to ensure they remain competitive and prevent compression.

Merit-based remuneration:

Implement a system of remuneration that recognizes individual accomplishments and contributions. Reward high-performing employees with higher compensation, fostering differentiation between levels.

Advancement and career progression opportunities:

Create well-defined pathways for career growth within the organization. Encourage internal promotions and provide opportunities for development to motivate employees and tackle wage compression.

Skill-dependent compensation:

Recognize and reward employees based on their specific skills and competencies rather than solely relying on job titles or levels. This acknowledges the value of specialized skills and encourages employees to enhance their abilities

Employee development and training:

Invest in programs that enhance employees' skills and knowledge. By augmenting their capabilities, employees become eligible for higher-level roles, thereby reducing wage compression

Transparent and equitable compensation policies:

Establish clear and just policies for compensation, ensuring they are communicated to all employees. Transparency fosters trust and ensures employees understand the factors influencing their compensation.

Periodic salary assessments:

Conduct regular reviews to evaluate and adjust compensation levels as necessary. This enables organizations to address wage compression proactively, before it escalates into a significant concern

Employee feedback and involvement:

Establish channels for employees to provide feedback on compensation-related matters. Encouraging open dialogue and addressing concerns facilitates the identification and resolution of instances of wage compression.

Comprehensive rewards package:

Consider offering additional benefits and perks such as healthcare coverage, retirement plans, flexible work arrangements, or performance bonuses. This holistic approach to compensation can mitigate the impact of wage compression.

Policy changes such as raising the minimum wage or implementing stronger labor protections

The Raise the Wage Act of 2021 is a proposed policy solution that seeks to increase the national minimum wage to $15 per hour by 2025, with the aim of eliminating poverty-level wages and promoting economic well-being for low-wage workers. The current federal minimum wage is $7.25 per hour and has not been raised in over a decade, leading to a significant gap in wages for workers who earn the minimum wage or just above it.

This proposed policy solution would raise the earnings of 32 million workers, or 21% of the workforce. Workers who earn the minimum wage or slightly above it would see their wages rise, as employers adjust their pay scales upward to reflect the new minimum wage rate. On average, affected workers who work year-round would see an annual pay increase of about $3,300. This would provide over $108 billion in additional wages in 2025 to affected workers.

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The policy would also have a significant impact on racial and ethnic equity, with nearly one in three Black workers and one in four Hispanic workers seeing their wages rise. Essential and front-line workers, who constitute more than 60% of all workers who would see a pay increase, would also benefit significantly from this policy.

Critics of the policy argue that it could lead to job losses, but research has shown that minimum wage increases have not led to significant job losses. The best evidence shows little to no job losses in the wake of minimum wage increases and a net wage gain even if job losses have occurred. Additionally, surveys have shown that the people most likely to support a minimum wage increase are unemployed people, people of color, and women.

Encouraging The Adoption Of New Technologies To Increase Productivity And Wages

Encouraging the adoption of new technologies is a potential solution to address wage compression by increasing productivity and wages. This policy intervention involves promoting the adoption of new technologies that can improve productivity, which can lead to higher wages for workers.

One way to encourage the adoption of new technologies is through government incentives or subsidies for businesses that invest in new technology. For example, the government may provide tax credits or grants to businesses that invest in new technology, making it more affordable for businesses to adopt new technology and increase productivity.

Another way to encourage the adoption of new technologies is through public-private partnerships, where the government partners with businesses to develop and implement new technology. This can help businesses overcome the initial costs of adopting new technology and ensure that the technology is tailored to their specific needs.

Furthermore, the government can invest in research and development of new technologies that have the potential to increase productivity and wages. By investing in new technologies, the government can help businesses stay competitive and improve their productivity, which can lead to higher wages for workers.

Encouraging the adoption of new technologies can also have broader economic benefits. By increasing productivity, it can help address labor shortages and improve economic growth.


Wage compression is a critical concern demanding active engagement from individuals, businesses, and policymakers. Individuals should advocate for fair pay, pursue education and skill enhancement, and support policies mitigating wage compression. Businesses need to ensure fair wages, promote employee development, and adopt new technologies for enhanced productivity. Policymakers should work towards reducing income inequality, sponsor technology research and development, and stimulate economic growth. Collectively, these actions can contribute to lessening income inequality, fostering social mobility, and creating a more equitable society. Addressing wage compression is crucial to building a prosperous society and requires the combined efforts of all stakeholders involved.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What is wage compression and why is it important to understand?

Wage compression refers to the narrowing of wage differences between employees, and it is important to understand its implications for equity, incentives, recruitment, economic efficiency, and public policy.

Q2. What factors contribute to wage compressions in 2023?

Slower economic growth, tightening monetary policy, labor market adjustments, inflation moderation, and technological advancements and automation are factors contributing to wage compression in 2023.

Q3. How do changes in the minimum wage and labor laws impact wage compressions?

Changes in the minimum wage and labor laws, including state-specific minimum wage increases, can affect wage compressions by setting different wage standards across states and industries.

Q4. What are possible solutions to address wage compressions?

Possible solutions include implementing salary classification, aligning compensation with market rates, implementing merit-based remuneration, providing advancement and career progression opportunities, implementing skill-dependent compensation, investing in employee development and training, establishing transparent and equitable compensation policies, and conducting periodic salary assessments.

Q5. How does slower economic growth contribute to wage compression?

Slower economic growth can lead to reduced profits and financial instability for companies, prompting them to freeze or limit salary increases, resulting in wage stagnation and contributing to wage compression.

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