5 Unique Perks and Benefits From Top Companies Across the World

May 14, 2022
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According to a study by The Ladder, 30 percent of the current workforce would take less monetary compensation in exchange for better benefits and perks. As shocking as it might sound, with the Gen Z workforce starting to fill in major roles, the conventional ideologies of work, compensation, and loyalty continue to change.

Employees value a better organizational culture rather than a fatter paycheck. Startups where their contributions are acknowledged and felt have one up over giants where your work might go unnoticed. With such a sudden shift in employee mindset, what can larger organizations do to stay relevant in the race and attract top talent?

We collected some of the most unique perks offered by top companies in the top of the game. Irrespective of the size of your organization, you can pick some of these and can keep your current employees happy and attract new ones.

Note: We won’t be covering the obvious perks like insurance, 401k plans, work from home, etc

Flexible work hours

According to this study, 70% of workers firmly believe flexible work hours makes a job more attractive.

Official working hours (looking at you, 9-5 jobs) are a relic of the past. Netflix started the “no official working hours” policy in their California headquarters and stopped tracking vacation days and work time. They only measure what gets done; all that matters is that employees do what they are responsible for and not when or how they work.

This empowers employees to take ownership of their work and also focus on their personal life. After all, one affects the other. Also, enforcing strict work times is counter-productive. Employees spend more time looking at their watches rather than focusing on producing quality work.

Team outings

Another popular perk that’s been on the rise with the increase in number of companies going fully remote. Well, I’m not talking about a picnic in the park (those are great as well but you get what I mean…). Tech companies like Zapier and Process.st are fully remote companies with their workforce spread across the globe and several time zones. How do they build camaraderie among employees? Twice a year, they pick an exotic location and meet there.

In an interview, the founder of the Digital Workplace Group–Paul Miller, said they get a house and spend a week together bonding on a personal level and not talking about work. Such outings and trips will bring employees closer and ultimately improve the team morale.

Pet-friendly workplace

Having fun with your four-legged friends can be a huge stress-buster. Take it a notch up and bringing them to your workplace can be an amazing way to keep the environment lighter and casual.

Several companies like AirBnB, PetSmart, and Uber have caught on this trend and have built it into a successful model. Being pet-friendly has an underlying benefit of differentiating your brand from your competitors by projecting you as an extremly fun place to work. Plus, it also has a positive impact on the mental well-being of not just dog-owners but all employees. While safety concerns like pathogens and allergies are a challenge, it’s definitely something that companies of all sizes can consider.

Healthy living

Hosting service provided GoDaddy prides itself on their focus on health, fun, and building meaningful relationships outside of work. They offer extensive coaching programs on healthy living; their vending machines have healthy food options.

They also offer a variety of services like flu shots, health flairs, and biometric screening. Their community service–GoDaddy Cares–is another thing their employees are proud of. They offer adoption assistance and tuition reimbursements to parents allowing them to focus more on their mental health.

In-house amenities

What blog about employee perks can be complete without mentioning Google? We were saving the best for the last.

The tech giant has hit the bull’s eye when it comes to offering the best employee benefits and perhaps that’s why it’s rated one of the top companies with happiest employees.

Google offers plenty of in-house amenities like free food (including 30 different cuisines and multiple dietary options), on-site haircuts and massages, fully-equipped gyms, swimming pools, game rooms, and a 24×7 medical care facility.

These were some of the coolest perks that can not only make employees happy and satisfied but also serve as an excellent motivator for potential candidates. Perks and benefits are where you can be innovative as a C&B professional. There are several perks that you can administer without burning a hole in your bottom-line yet make your employees feel valued.

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